AP: Bedlam in Beantown. Boston Red Sox sweep away decades of heartache with World Series win
If you are not a Red Sox fan, you can’t understand how big a story this is for New Englanders.
Well, Chicago Cubs fans have a clue. May they return from the wilderness someday soon, too.
Posted by: Eric on October 28, 2004 12:20 PM
I used to kinda like Boston until they turned into a bunch of free-spending Yankee wannabes. Just some more East Coast media bias.
Posted by: jeff on October 28, 2004 03:11 PM
The Cubs have sucked for far longer and a lot worse than the Red Sox. The last Red Sox Series win was 1918 against the Cubs. The last Cubs Series win was 1908!
Boston has been to the Series FIVE, count em, FIVE TIMES since 1945, the last time the Cubs were there.
Being a Cub fan is the finest preparation for life there is. You know everything will fail.
Posted by: A. Sceptic on October 28, 2004 05:09 PM
Partly off thread… Been away for a few days. Poster’s name listed first. Great!
Let’s hear it for the BoSox!!!!!!!!!
Go Sox!!!!!
Posted by: Jim on October 28, 2004 08:56 AM
Thanks god for lifting this curse and letting the Red Soxs win. I am so happy maybe the same luck will hold up for kerry