Monthly Archives: September 2004

Debate Questions for the Candidates

It’s a time-honored exercise before presidential debates for journalists to suggest some of the questions the moderators might ask the candidates. Two approaches are evident this year: Editor & Publisher, a trade journal, asked prominent journalists for ideas. asked … Continue reading

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Tracking Issues on Blog

BlogPulse Campaign Radar “delivers daily analysis on politics, candidates and campaign-specific issues discussed on blogs commenting on the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. All statistics in these trend charts represent the percentage of all blog postings relevant to the election/campaign.” Comments … Continue reading

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Explaining Journalism’s New World to Newsmakers

I’m giving a workshop talk next week at the Web 2.0 conference about a theme of the book: the impact of content-creating technology on newsmakers, and why they should also be using it themselves. Disclosure: One of the conference producers … Continue reading

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Open Thread

I’m heading to New York today for a couple of talks/conferences. Chat below. Please behave. Comments Posted by: pr ( professor rat) on September 26, 2004 07:58 AM Going to New York eh!? Oh behave indeed! You hound, Dan. I … Continue reading

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Florida Doesn’t Deserve This

My thoughts are with the people of Florida, who are about to get hit yet again by nature’s worst. Here’s the Red Cross donation page if you want to help. (Photo via NOAA) Comments Posted by: steve on September 25, … Continue reading

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The Toxic Foxification of News

Frank Rich (NY Times): This Time Bill O’Reilly Got It Right. No matter how long the overlap between Mr. Carville and Mr. Begala’s TV and campaign roles, that brand and CNN itself are now as inextricably bound to the Democrats … Continue reading

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Book Notes

Jay Rosen and I had a long conversation at a journalism conference. Bill Moyers commends the book in this speech at a recent journalism conference. (Read the whole speech; it’s extraordinary.) CNN’s Christine Boese asks, Will cyber journalists turn the … Continue reading

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Open Thread

I’m on the road for the next 18 hours or so. Your thoughts go below. Please behave. Comments Posted by: Joe I. on September 15, 2004 07:27 PM Everyone download FireFox 1.0PR and take a look at the integrated RSS … Continue reading

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Testing the movie uploading feature

Testing the movie uploading feature of Ecto 2, beta version. Comments

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Testing video function in Ecto…click on the image or this link. Comments

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