Weekend Reading

  • Frank Rich (NYT): Patriotism on the cheap. There’s a vacuum of leadership in defining what real patriotism might be for the many Americans who are not in uniform but who came together on Sept. 11, eager to be part of a national mobilization even if they weren’t packing off to war themselves.
  • Doc Searls (Linux Journal): Whither Lindows. The question for me is, can they do it alone? Clearly Lindows is a closed-source company building a product with open source code and tools. Do they really need to close the source?
  • Steve Gillmor (Infoworld): Man in the White Suit. Now comes the disruptive part: “If you have enough cars on the highway then each car acts as a base station,” Garahi says. “Just imagine if we were to put one of these radios on every [Ford] Taurus. Within a year’s production, you have more base stations than all the cellular companies have combined in the United States to feed these units.”


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