Author Archives: Dan Gillmor

Comments Lose Another Reader

I got a note today from a longtime reader. He wrote of the comments here (and is far from alone in this sentiment): “I’ll no longer be reading them. “Not your fault, really. But there’s enough that annoys me in … Continue reading

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Criminal Charge? No Problem if You’re a Republican Leader

The Hill: Rule change to shield DeLay. The House GOP caucus is likely to vote today to end its rule requiring leaders to step down if indicted, thus shielding Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) in the event that criminal charges … Continue reading

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Back to High Speed

I’ve returned to Hong Kong, where the Net connections are excellent. The difference between here and Shanghai is amazing, in many ways. Comments Posted by: Raymond Schweppe on November 16, 2004 04:59 AM Don’t let the door hit you in … Continue reading

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Thank You…

…to the Online News Association for the kind award to this online column. I’m flattered, and honored. Comments Posted by: Steve Yelvington on November 16, 2004 10:43 AM Nihao, Dan– You’ll be amused to know that as your award was … Continue reading

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Blogs and International Relations

Daniel Drezner and Henry Farrell have written a well-reasoned piece in Foreign Affairs about the intersection of grassroots media and international affairs. Summary: Every day, millions of online diarists, or “bloggers,” share their opinions with a global audience. Drawing upon … Continue reading

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Book Notes

My publisher tells me that rights have been sold for Japanese, Portuguese and Korean editions of We the Media. Grassroots media in Asia is getting big, and Brazil is a hotbed of blogging and other media work, so I’m naturally … Continue reading

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Big Companies Can Spam? Ask Microsoft

Washington Post: Microsoft E-Mail Looks Like Spam to Some Recipients. Like many anti-spam activists, Poortinga, a Bloomington, Ind., programmer, has never been a fan of the Can-Spam Act. He said it is as much an effort to protect corporate marketers’ … Continue reading

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Election Day

Vote. Comments Posted by: Fred on November 2, 2004 10:25 AM I woke up, compared my “civic duty” to my “conscience” and decided I couldn’t vote for either of the candidates. First time ever I didn’t vote for a presidential … Continue reading

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China’s Continuing Net Censorship

Meanwhile, the regime in Beijing just can’t stop closing down Internet cafes (Register), part of the government’s attempt to stifle political dissent even as it liberalizes economically. In the end, they can’t do both successfully, because a vibrant free economy … Continue reading

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Preventing the Vote

Bob Herbert (NY Times): Days of Shame. Overseas, our troops are being mauled in the long dark night of Iraq – a war with no end in sight that has already claimed the lives of more than 1,100 American troops … Continue reading

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