LA Times (reg req): Conservative TV Group to Air Anti-Kerry Film. The conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, whose television outlets reach nearly a quarter of the nation’s homes with TV, is ordering its stations to preempt regular programming just days before the Nov. 2 election to air a film that attacks Sen. John F. Kerry’s activism against the Vietnam War, network and station executives familiar with the plan said Friday.
Talk about an abuse of corporate power. Wow.
Posted by: Paul Guinnessy on October 10, 2004 05:31 AM
Never underestimate the power of lies on television. I find this a distubing trend, and I hope the FCC will be looking closely at his television stations over the next few days. This is one of the surprising things about America, you can get fined $500, 000 for showing Janet Jackson flashing for 1 second, show a partisan movie attacking a presidential candidate for an hour before the election, and you can get away with it. The idea isn’t to persuade these viewers to vote for Bush, the idea is to get them to think its not worth voting for Kerry.
Posted by: George on October 10, 2004 05:58 AM
Oh the outrage.
A corporation backs, finances and markets a film by Michael Moore. The media helps promote it.
Talk about abuse of power.
Posted by: Hank Shiffman on October 10, 2004 06:43 AM
Weren’t these the same guys who refused to air an episode of Nightline? The episode in question was a list of the names of soldiers killed during the Iraq conflict. And this broadcaster was offended enough by the “message” of that program (that war means death, and not just of faceless enemies) to keep its viewers from seeing it.
Is this what they mean by managed news?
Posted by: Dan Gillmor on October 10, 2004 07:11 AM
George, if Disney (which canceled its distribution deal for Moore’s film) ordered its ABC affiliates to air it two nights before the election, that would also be an outrageous abuse, too.
Posted by: Jason on October 10, 2004 07:32 AM
They’re not at all the same.
Fahrenheit 9/11 was a movie exhibited in privately-owned theaters. You had to pay to see it and have the voluntary will to do so.
This anti-Kerry film, however, will be pushed out over the public’s airwaves into their homes as forced programming by a corporate entity.
The former is an example of capitalism and freedom of speech in action. The latter is fascist force-feeding, and definitely an abuse of corporate power.
Posted by: George on October 10, 2004 07:39 AM
For the record, I don’t like it, no matter who does it.
And, it doesn’t always take the form of overt orders/actions. You have situations like Soros for the left and the Diabold exec favoring Bush and influencing their organizations.
Posted by: Steve on October 10, 2004 08:18 AM
Fasten your seatbelts Folks.
The only question now is what will they do to retain power. Even with a Kerry Win on Election Day.
Hopefully, they will just ride off into the sunset with their ill gotten gains. Where they can begin planning the next opportunity to rip off America.
Posted by: George on October 10, 2004 10:39 AM
Jason…yes, not a one-to-one comparison. But, free publicity is priceless and a great influencer. And by playing the most inflammatory scenes over TV as news clips, etc., they might as well have just broadcast the dang thing. The end effect is the same.
Posted by: Chris Cook on October 10, 2004 11:05 AM
I despise W., and think he’s leading us tho the land of the jackbooted thugs.
However, Kerry doesn’t particularly ring my bell, either.
As I live in Texas, where my vote doesn’t count anyway, I’m voting for Badnarik, the Libertarian. It’s not a classic protest vote, y’know, anybody but this guy, because I agree with the libertarian policies. (I don’t need to be protected from myself, thanks.)
I’m trying to get people to consider Badnarik, if they’re uncomfortable with Bush and Kerry is too liberal. So, If you live in a non-swing state, and you really value your liberties, please consider voting Libertarian.
Posted by: Terry on October 10, 2004 12:01 PM
So an organization decides to bash Kerry. Exactly how is this bad? How does this compare to the organizations that are bashing Bush or Nader?
( or the ones ignoring Badnarik … )
Posted by: George on October 10, 2004 12:34 PM
Chris…I despise W., and think he’s leading us tho the land of the jackbooted thugs. However, Ker
ry doesn’t particularly ring my bell, either.
Boy, you hit the nut on the head for me. George himself doesn’t scare me but his people really do. And Kerry, just no way. Nothin there!
Posted by: md on October 10, 2004 01:20 PM
“So an organization decides to bash Kerry. Exactly how is this bad? How does this compare to the organizations that are bashing Bush or Nader?”
This isn’t an “organization” — this is one of the largest media conglomerates in the U.S., and it’s forcing its affiliates to show an unabashedly biased hack job on Kerry in prime time instead of regular programming. Oh, and on “public” airwaves.
Big difference between that and anti-Bush organizations like MoveOn that have to pay for airtime (if the networks will even sell it to them).
Posted by: query on October 10, 2004 04:41 PM
Sponsors of campaign finance reform brought this down on us all. So far, the abuse of media power has been largely by Left leaning liberal journalists. They operate outside the boundaries of campaign finance reforms, while severe restraints on free speech silent moderate and conservative voices.
Buying your own TV stations and spinning the news is about the only unregulated activity left.
It’s time for the Left to take a bite in the arse.
Posted by: Al on October 10, 2004 05:25 PM
What do you expect? With the campaign finance reform fiasco all sorts of money is creatively polluting the system. Look at George Soros! How much money has he put in? And wasn’t Soros a big sponsor or lobbiest for CFR?
Posted by: bob on October 10, 2004 08:24 PM
I can’t believe you people! You are hilarious. I am a lifelong resident of Massachusetts and a recovering Democrat. I have registered as unenrolled because the democrat dictatorship in Massachusetts is afraid of terms like Independent, and commissar Kennedy doesn’t like “independent” thinking people. Kerry has done nothing for this state but take his paychecks as Attorney General, Lt. Governor, and now senator. Actually, I should be grateful that his record is so sparse you can hear the crickets chirping! When you lefties figure out that 09/11 was worse than Pearl Harbor and an attack on the United States, an act of war, maybe you’ll smarten up. Well, ask the French or Germans and if they give you permission then you may be allowed to think of 9/11 as an act of aggression by evil minded idiots looking for 72 virgins to make them feel good. Just like the Japanese realized that they woke a sleeping giant after Pearl Harbor, so too will those Islamic pigs! And for anyone of you losers to call the President a Liar, and think that Kerry is the epitome of honesty, well your vote should be taken away because it is you who is the Liar and definately can’t handle such an awesome duty like voting! The President will win re-election because I have talked to more than a few democrats as well as republicans that know what Kerry is. In fact, I believe he should be tried for war crimes since he admitted to committing atrocities while in Vietnam! Our hero shot thos “Viet Cong” 15 year old boys in the back. Now there’s a hero! Good luck, and I’ll pray for you folks, you need all the help you can get.
Posted by: A user on October 10, 2004 10:16 PM
Lets also remember that Moore’s 911 was actually distributed by a foreign corporation. Lions Gate in Canada. Talk about foreign influence on an election. lets get all the propaganda out there and let the people of America decide. Either way both sides will be dissappointed and will have to work together to get something done or all Americans will look like idiots.
Posted by: Joe on October 10, 2004 10:24 PM
I must say that Kerry lost my vote. I will vote for Nader. I like Kerry but do not like those that back him. The straw was those in the wacko left that claim (it got some mainstream press) that Bush was wired on the last debate. First these guys are crazy, second Bush does come across ok in debates so even though Kerry was better. To suggest that he was wired is insane and I won’t support someone who counts these people amoung his supporters. It is the wacko left that will loose it for Kerry. My vote changed!!!
Posted by: Who me on October 10, 2004 10:48 PM
I do not watch TV. I am immune to corporate power abuses. I will not be assimilated!
If I weren’t an American citizen, I would say whomever believes the lies spouted by the candidates’ groupies deserve moron that is elected.
Alas, I am a American citizen, so all I can do is feel sorry for my country.
Posted by: Charles on October 11, 2004 02:20 AM
I must say that Kerry lost my vote. I will vote for Nader. I like Kerry but do not like those that back him. The straw was those in the wacko left that claim (it got some mainstream press) that Bush was wired on the last debate. First these guys are crazy, second Bush does come across ok in debates so even though Kerry was better. To suggest that he was wired is insane and I won’t support someone who counts these people among his supporters. It is the wacko left that will loose it for Kerry. My vote changed!!!
So you’re not voting for someone based on the fact that you don’t like some of the people who don’t like the other guy? And you’re switching your vote to Nader??? Oh no – no wacko lefties or extremists among Nader supporters, no siree! Every single solitary person who supports Nader is rational and thinks exactly as you do about everything, so you should by all means vote for him!
And why do you assume anyone trying to discredit Bush is automatically a Kerry supporter?
Ah but I see you’re in Washington, so your vote won’t matter, anyway. That’s a state Kerry already has sewn up.
Posted by: Charles on October 11, 2004 02:31 AM
Sorry – can’t resist one more response:
Our hero shot thos “Viet Cong” 15 year old boys in the back. Now there’s a hero! Good luck, and I’ll pray for you folks, you need all the help you can get.
Whatever the facts are behind this
(and from what I understand he chased one of these guys in the jungle and shot him dead in the back *after* he had been attacking boats with a rocket launcher . . .I’m not military, but that just sounds like good soldiering to me)
The fact that the Viet Cong soldier may have been 15 (though I don’t see how anyone could possibly know) has little bearing. He was an adult soldier on a battlefield. You can’t retroactively and xenophobically apply modern American standards of “youth” to enemy soldiers killing our guys with rocket launchers in Vietnam 35 years ago. Furthermore, no one cares. How many enemy soldiers have they Bush Administration killed? You think all those guys who are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq are over 15? Hint: they are two of the countries with the youngest average age in the world. Afghan warlords start recruiting around age 12. Aside from that, how many innocents have the Bush Administration killed? How many Americans at home
are dead and dying because of his policies?
It’s funny all the right can come up with to try and smear Kerry are heroic acts performed during his *voluntary* tours of Vietnam *35 years ago*> Jeez, you think Rove would be able to dig up some stuff that was more recent and that had a bit more punch.
Posted by: Charles on October 11, 2004 02:37 AM
Oh and one more to bob the racist:
killing enemy soldiers in a war does not constitute a “war crime”, brain trust. And no, it doesn’t matter what age the enemy soldier is. Perhaps you should study up a bit on international law before trying to use legal terms and state who should be “tried” for “what”.
(Yes, I realise I’m likely spending too much time responding to someone who uses sentences like:
“And for anyone of you losers to call the President a Liar, and think that Kerry is the epitome of honesty, well your vote should be taken away because it is you who is the Liar and definitely can’t handle such an awesome duty like voting!”)
Posted by: PigDog on October 11, 2004 07:33 AM
“Oh and one more to bob the racist:” — Charles
I’m curious charles, what in god’s name made you call bob a racist? A convient slur because you didn’t agree with him?
As far as war crimes and trials and such, didn’t your friend Mr. Kerry at one point testify to witnessing and/or taking part in ‘war crimes’ in his anti-vietnam war furvor? As an officer, even if he just witnessed them and did nothing to stop them or further report them up the chain of command he is, in fact, guilty of said war crimes.
Posted by: Charles on October 11, 2004 10:08 AM
“Just like the Japanese realized that they woke a sleeping giant after Pearl Harbor, so too will those Islamic pigs!”
Technically, perhaps I should have said “religious bigot”, but it is a fine line. OK, I concede that if he is discussing the specific 9/11 terrorists, they were both “Islamic” and pigs – but the phrase paints with a broad brush.
Posted by: Charles on October 11, 2004 10:12 AM
Kerry is not my friend, and I have no idea what he testified about back in the 70s – but shooting an enemy on the battlefield (the example given)is not defined as a war crime under any of the international law instruments I’ve ever studied.
Posted by: Charlie Gordon on October 11, 2004 12:59 PM
Gentle People
Mr. Kerry testified to Congress that, at a veterans’ event he attended, other veterans told him of their eye-witness experiences in Viet Nam.
That is significantly different than “testify[ing] to witnessing and/or taking part in ‘war crimes'”.
Posted by: York on October 11, 2004 02:44 PM
For those interested in Sinclair Broadcast Group, there business contracts are online – including a number of employment agreements:
Posted by: Al on October 11, 2004 08:25 PM
I don’t really care for how this flick is being distributed by Sinclair, but the Moore movie has certainly been forced down people’s throats for months and months – even when many parts of it have been discredited. It seems like the Sinclair move is an attempt at equal time.
Posted by: Paul Stuart on October 12, 2004 12:52 AM
Al: “the Moore movie has certainly been forced down people’s throats for months and months”
Al, could you define “forced” used in the given context?
Posted by: vibrissae on October 10, 2004 01:04 AM
This won’t be enough to turn around the millions of new voters who have registered for no reason other than to bring Bush down. Pollsters aren’t measuring the impact of this new-found voter pool.
If you travel and talk to people it’s clear that a lot of people who would normally vote Republican are very wary of Bush.
I make it a point to talk to these folks; the level of dissatidfaction that they exhibit with Bush is striking.
I even know several evangelical Christians who have had enough of Bush. They’re voting for Kerry with their eyes closed because they have a general feeling of disgust with what Bush has done in areas other than Iraq – and they’re tiring of that very quickly as well. This President is a war-mongering fool, with no insight into any grand world vision except the one he thinks is divined by Scripture – this is scaring a lot of rational religious folk. Ask around, a lot of evangelicals who don’t want the Rapture accelerated are afraid of Bush – they like living in peace.
This election is really going to surprise the pundits and pollsters, as Kerry walks away with a victory.
Do Bush and his cronies really think that reciting a stupid mantra over and over again will work the way it used to? They nead to read the Cluetrain Manifesto, and apply it to their political campaign.
The irony is, if the Republicans really had a “conversation” with the American public that was anything more than the empty-headed sloganeering that we are currently witnessing, they would be rejected out-of-hand. The record is transparently bad for Bush.
The only thing that makes it seem as if he’s popular are the screened crowds that he plays to.
This is natural selection at play folks – and the Bushies are on their way to extinction…bet on it.