Book Notes

Latest reviews of We the Media:

  • Elizabeth Corcoran at Forbes says it “offers a panoramic account of the technologies and issues shaping the future of news.”
  • It’s behind the paid firewall, but the Wall Street Journal published a mostly tepid review by a graduate student who writes, among other things: “It is clear that Mr. Gillmor doesn’t like media consolidation, abhors the idea of “gatekeepers” and wishes people would rise up en masse to create a more freewheeling Internet-enabled journalism. Of course it’s already happening, as he concedes.” Concedes? I thought I celebrate the rise of the new voices. Oh, well.
  • At The, public relations pro Andy Marken writes that the book “discusses (and explains in words the technically challenged can understand) today’s new media, the state of information dissemination and technology and what is just over the horizon.”


    Posted by: on October 2, 2004 09:12 PM

    The Forbes view seems to distrust any journalism that is unpaid and not subject to trad ethical considerations.

    Two words.

    Reputation capital.

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