Secrets and Lies in the Electric Power Scandal

Mercury News: State’s daily electricity bill hits $70 million, Davis says. But others in the Capitol, noting the secrecy that has surrounded the administration’s power purchases, questioned Davis’ motives. “The only people who know are Gray Davis and the merchant generators,” said James Fisfis, spokesman for Assembly Republican leader Dave Cox of Sacramento.

Among the most troubling elements of the California power debacle has been the degree to which the public has been prevented from learning the truth. There’s secrecy wrapped in lies inside backroom deals.

The generators have successfully shielded their market manipulation from direct scrutiny, claiming trade secrets. Maybe the PG&E bankruptcy will bring some of those dealings into the light.

The utilities have been moving assets from troubled subsidiaries to parent companies, usually as quietly as possible. The Wall Street Journal and other newspapers, doing their jobs, have been on top of most of this stuff, but it’s a dead certainty that the press can’t keep up with all of the shennigans inside the corporate tent.

The governor is no better. He’s keeping the public in the dark on the financial details of the state’s power purchases. Hey, guv, that’s our money you’re spending. We’re going to find out eventually. What are you trying to hide?


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