What is ChoicePoint?

Wall Street Journal: FBI turns to private sector for data. ChoicePoint and its rivals specialize in doing what the law discourages the government from doing on its own — culling, sorting and packaging data on individuals from scores of sources, including credit bureaus, marketers and regulatory agencies.

ChoicePoint is a data broker, and it’s in the business of selling your most private information to anyone who can show a “appropriate” use for it. This is a laughably broad term, as everyone in that business knows.

How broad? Take a look at this FAQ. Read the “appropriate uses” section.

Then read the answer to the question, “Can I opt-out of CDB Infotek’s databases?” Answer: NO.

Want to know what their dossier says about you? That’ll be $20, sucker.

Maybe it really is too late. Maybe there’s nothing left of privacy and no way to re-create it.

But I don’t want to go down without a fight. I consider ChoicePoint and other data brokers a cancer on our society, and I would like to see them brought to heel.

What can we do? .


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