Spam of the Day

This is the best piece of spam I’ve received in a long time:

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 3:25 AM
Subject: Horse Chiropractic Seminar

Learn how to adjust horses.

Dr. Daniel Kamen, D.C. is offering equine chiropractic seminars around the country. Dr. Kamen is a certified animal chiropractor from Illinois and is the author of three nationally best selling books on animal chiropractic, “The Well Adjusted Horse,” “The Well Adjusted Dog,” and “The Well Adjusted Cat.”

Upcoming seminars include:

Sacramento, CA

Denver, Co

South Lake Tahoe, CA

Indianapolis, IN

For more info on seminars, books, videos call Dr. Kamen at

Hmmm, maybe I can make the one in Sacramento…


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