The “Zones” people, who run the popular PC Zone and Mac Zone catalogs and online stores, have just opened a Linux e-store.
The offerings are, predictably, fairly meager given the nascent status of the third-party commercial Linux market. But the mere existence of this store is excellent news for people who believe in computing choice.
Censor-ware Exposed, Company Sues
The Cyber Patrol people have sued some hackers (AP) who had the temerity to show the world how to discover which Web sites the software was blocking. As always with this kind of software, many of the blocked sites are totally benign by any standard of morality.
If Cyber Patrol’s makers win this suit, it’ll be another victory for the Draconian Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which is being used to crack down on activities that are in the public interest in order to enrich protect intellectual property owners.