Monday, Dec. 6 —
The Economist magazine, probably the best journal of its kind in the world, has an interesting piece this week about the notion of open-source journalism. I was interviewed for the article, and got a brief mention. (They spelled my name wrong, but that happens all the time…)
AT&T’s Baby Steps
Monday, Dec. 6 —
AT&T says it’ll be a little more open to other Internet service providers on its cable systems — someday.
This is a mini-announcement. It goes barely beyond the telecommunications giant’s previous statements on open access. And if you read the statement carefully, you see it’s little more than a vague promise, though it does go in the right direction.
Unfortunately, the media are reporting this as if it meant more than it actually does. The cable companies should be required to sell bandwidth to alternative ISPs — at the same cost they sell it to their captive ISPs — just as telephone companies must do with their wires. Don’t hold your breath on this one, though.